Billing and account: Understanding your bill
Click on the orange i icons below to get to know the different sections of your bill.
Click on the orange i icons below to get to know the different sections of your bill.
Billing address and Account number
Billing Address
This is your billing address. Please note that the service address may differ from the billing address.
Account number
Use your billing account number to make payments and to create a My Account profile.
Account summary
The account summary provides an overview of all charges for the current month by category, for each service address. You will see an account summary page for each of your service addresses.
Previous month charges
Payments from previous months and balance from last bill.
Overview of services and monthly charges
Overview of your current services and monthly charges per service address. For your detailed charges, refer to the Current Services section.
One time fees and adjustments
These charges could include long distance calls, phone and equipment purchases, etc. This section could also include installation fees or credits.
Due date and Amount due
Due date
Date before your payment has to be received to avoid late payment charges.
Amount due
Your total amount due including your monthly services, one-time fees, any outstanding balance and all taxes. If you have set up a pre-authorized payment, this will automatically be withdrawn on the date due.