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IP Relay Service

Login to the Cogeco IP Relay Service

Cogeco IP Relay is a free service available to all Cogeco Home Phone subscribers.

Cogeco allows hearing-impaired and speech-impaired individuals to place and receive text-based relay calls from their personal computer or mobile device. All you need to use Cogeco IP Relay is a computer or a mobile device with an internet connection and to register an IP Relay account with Cogeco. A Cogeco IP Relay operator will connect an IP Relay caller to a voice party. Simply type your conversation to a Cogeco IP Relay agent, who then reads your typed conversation to the other party. The Cogeco IP Relay agent then types the other party’s spoken words back to the IP Relay user.

To use Cogeco’s IP Relay service from your computer to a standard phone, register and log-in online at To register for Cogeco IP Relay, you will need to have a valid Cogeco Home Phone number.

To communicate from a standard phone to the computer of a Cogeco IP Relay customer, dial 1-855-308-5160. Please note that IP to IP calls are not supported.

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