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The Connecting Families initiative

What is the Connecting Families initiative?

This Government of Canada initiative will provide selected eligible families and seniors an opportunity to get low-cost Internet to ensure that more Canadian families and youth have access to the valuable resources available online.
The Connecting Families initiative will run until March 2027

Who is eligible?

A random selection of families who currently receive the maximum Child Care Benefit (CCB) and a random selection of low income seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), will receive a printed letter in the mail with an access code (PIN number) from the Government of Canada. Only those families who receive this letter are eligible.

How to benefit from this initiative:


The eligible participants chosen by random selection will receive a letter with an access code (PIN number) from the Government of Canada. If you have any questions about the eligibility selection process, contact the Government of Canada by visiting or by calling 1-800-328-6189 or (TTY) 1-866-694-8389.


If you have received a letter from the Government of Canada that contains an access code (PIN number), and you have completed the steps on the initiative’s portal, skip to Step 3. Otherwise, visit the initiative’s portal and follow the steps there.

Then, if you’re not already a Cogeco client, please to validate that our services are available in your area. If they aren’t, you can contact the Government of Canada for other options.

If the availability of our services has been confirmed or if you’re already a client, you’re now all set to benefit from this initiative. Call us at 1-800-267-9000 or visit one of our stores to subscribe.

Have other questions? Visit the Connected Families FAQs.

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